Sir Keith Pearson, HEE Chairman

Keith was appointed as Chair of Health Education England in June 2012, and was previously Chair of the NHS Confederation. Keith was influential in developing the NHS Constitution. He received a Knighthood in June 2010, for services to healthcare.

Keith has had a long and distinguished career in healthcare, working for BUPA as its Chief Executive in Hong Kong prior to joining the NHS. 

Professor Ian Cumming OBE, HEE Chief Executive

Ian started his career in the NHS as a Biomedical Scientist and later worked as a Research Scientist in coagulation disorders before moving into NHS Leadership in the early 1990's.

He has held a variety of NHS general management posts including over 11 years as Chief Executive of acute hospital Trusts, followed by three years as the Chief Executive of a healthcare commissioning organisation prior to being appointed Chief Executive of the NHS in the West Midlands in 2009.

In 2012, Ian was appointed Chief Executive of Health Education England (HEE). Ian has a particular interest in the development of leadership skills in clinical staff and is an Honorary Professor of Healthcare Leadership in the Medical School at Lancaster University.

In 2003 Ian was awarded the OBE for services to the NHS and in 2010 Ian was made an honorary Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Ian has a special interest in sports medicine an area in which he holds an MSC.  Ian became a board member of Sport England in 2016.
Outside work, Ian is a qualified level 3 swimming coach, working closely with young people to develop their swimming abilities, a keen snow skier and enjoys sailing, walking and watching rugby union.  

Professor Wendy Reid, HEE Director of Education and Quality and National Medical Director

Professor Reid was appointed as the Director of Education and Quality for HEE in 2014 in addition to her role as HEE’s first Medical Director. Wendy has previously worked as postgraduate dean in London and as the clinical advisor to the Department of Health on the European Working Time Directive. Wendy continues to practice as a consultant gynecologist at the Royal Free. She is keen to promote multi-professional workforce solutions for high quality patient care and to encourage wide participation across all healthcare roles.

Patrick Mitchell, Regional Director for the South of England at Health Education England  

Patrick provides strategic leadership for the multi-professional workforce agenda through the local education and training board (LETB), and is also responsible for a national portfolio:

Lead Director for the Topol Review 
oversight of HEE’s workforce transformation agenda 
NHS Library and Knowledge Services
developments in paramedic and physician associate education and training

Patrick joined HEE in 2013 moving from joint senior roles as Director of Medical and Dental Education at the Department of Health and Director of the Better Training Better Care programme at Medical Education England

Peter Homa CBE, Chairman of NHS Leadership Academy

Peter has 36 years NHS management experience including 27 as chief executive in three university teaching hospitals and two national organisations including the Commission for Health Improvement.  

In November 2017 Peter retired from being Chief Executive of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH); one of the largest and most complex teaching hospitals in the UK. Peter served as NUH’s chief executive for over eleven years. During this time, NUH became the most research active teaching trust outside of London, Oxford and Cambridge. Peter chaired the Association of UK University Hospitals Chief Executive forum between 2014/2017. He has a track record of leading innovative management that simultaneously improves the quality of patient care, teaching and research alongside value for money. 

Following retirement, Peter was appointed foundation Chair, NHS Leadership Academy. Peter also provides advice to many NHS organisations across the UK.

Peter was elected President, Institute for Health Services Management, in 1998/99; appointed a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2000 for contributions to the health service. Peter was one of four independent experts appointed by Sir Robert Francis to review the recommendations following the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust public inquiry. Peter was also a member of the Freedom to Speak up review, also led by Sir Robert Francis.

Peter’s first degree is in economics and he has Master and Doctorate degrees in Business Administration. Peter has held Honorary Chairs at London School of Economics; Universities of Lincoln; Surrey and Nottingham Business School.

Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer

Dame Sally was appointed Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England and Chief Medical Advisor to the UK government in March 2011, having held the post on an interim basis since June 2010. She is an independent adviser to the government on medical matters, with particular responsibilities regarding public health.

Professor Simon Gregory, Commission Director

Prof Simon Gregory is the HEE Director and Dean of Education and Quality, Midlands and East and also the HEE Lead for Primary Care. He is the Honorary Professor, Norwich Medical School, Visiting Professor, Anglia Ruskin Medical School and Fellow, Homerton College, Cambridge.

Professor Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, HEE Chief Nurse and Interim Regional Director

Lisa was previously Assistant Director of Nursing at Midlands and East Strategic Health Authority. In her early career, Lisa worked in a variety of nursing roles across the public and private sector specialising in emergency care and surgery. Since then she has taken up a range of national roles including operational lead for preceptorship at the Department of Health.

David Farrelly, HEE Regional Director

David Farrelly is Regional Director for Health Education England - Midlands and East. As well as his regional role David has a national portfolio including HEE performance and lead roles in maternity, pharmacy and scientist workforce transformation. 

Prior to this, David was Executive Director of Workforce and Strategy and Deputy Chief Executive at East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EMAS), having previously held positions with EMAS in strategy, OD, transformation and planning as well as periods as Acting Chief Executive.

David has also held positions as Executive Director of Human Resources at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust has also worked in community services and mental health organisations in the East Midlands and London areas.
David has an MA in Employment Strategy and an MSc in Human Resource Leadership as well as qualifications in management consultancy, coaching, mentoring and mediation.

Laura Roberts, HEE Regional Director

Laura has held three Chief Executive roles at two PCTs and Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust.  NHS Manchester was the largest in the northwest and had a reputation for innovation in seeking to tackle deep seated health inequalities.  Throughout her career, Laura has sort to combine a passion for health improvement with strong partnership working & visible leadership.  As the national lead for Widening Participation & Talent for Care, she is determined to ensure that the workforce reflects the population it serves, and that all staff are supported to achieve their own personal ‘best’.

Laura has wide NHS experience having worked at primary, community, secondary and in high secure mental health services.  She worked at the DH as Head of Provider Leadership Development, specialising in provider Board and FT governor programmes. 

Candace Miller, Skills for Health Executive Director

Candace heads the Consultancy, Research and Learning Services directorate, supporting organisations to gain outstanding results through skills development, workforce and service re-design, and organisational development.

Candace has had an extensive career at the forefront of vocational education and training developments within the U.K. After several years working for a major awarding organisation, during which time she led a research programme exploring the requirements for effective workplace education, Candace set up and ran a successful research and development consultancy. From the early 1990’s until she joined Skills for Health, Candace led, or participated in, a range of government led and/or sector-based initiatives, all designed to drive up the quality of vocational education and training, and ensure effective employer leadership of skills development.

As well as her role on the Executive team at Skills for Health, Candace is Director of the National Skills Academy for Health.

Sam Donohue, HEE Senior Nurse 

To follow.